On-The-Go! Tour

What is an On-The-Go! tour? A fully realized professional theatre production for young audiences where we bring the shows to you!  

Booking for 2024-25 shows is over. Check back soon for our announcement of the 2025-26 On-The-Go! tours.

On-The-Go! Perks: 

  • Can be performed in almost any space.  
  • Eliminates bus costs, travel time and logistical concerns.  
  • Maximizes the effectiveness of arts in education dollars.   
  • Includes a post-show talk back with actors.  
Shayne David Cameris and Justin Friello

“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
By Washington Irving   
Adapted by Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill   
Original music by Justin Friello and Lecco Morris  
Directed by Margaret E. Hall  

Tour dates: Oct. 15 – Nov. 2, 2024 
Cost: $1300  
Recommended for grades 4+ 
45-minutes with a 15-minute talkback 
CC: storytelling, music and english/language arts  

It’s a dark and stormy night and the bridge to the recording studio has washed out, leaving brilliant (and beautiful) local baker, Jasmine Vander Hooven, who has a reputation for bewitching the village with her special desserts, alone to perform a podcast of the classic ghost story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” with two local yokels–the Knickerbocker Brothers. The trio reenacts Irving’s mysterious tale with devastatingly funny–and spooky–results! With live Foley sound effects and music, Irving’s tale gets a contemporary treatment that honors the original and is sure to inspire and delight young audiences.   

Justin Friello and Adrian Kiser

“Friend of a Friend: Tales of the Underground Railroad”
By Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill & Jill Rafferty-Weinisch  

Tour dates: Jan. 27 – Feb. 15, 2025 
Cost: $1300  
Recommended for grades 7+ 
45-minutes with a 15-minute talkback 
CC: Black history and social studies  

Embark on a journey along the Underground Railroad through the captivating narrative of individuals from the Capital Region, including Solomon Northup and his family, alongside Albany’s courageous Harriet and Stephen Myers. These figures grapple with profound moral dilemmas, from Northup’s harrowing enslavement to the Myers’ daring activism in publishing an anti-slavery newspaper and aiding fugitives as conductors on the Underground Railroad. Crafted by theREP, this original docu-play draws upon New York State archival records, vividly illustrating the reverberations of the Fugitive Slave Act within the Capital Region’s historical landscape.  

Your stage, your schedule

On-The-Go! Booking Information:

  • ON-THE-GO! COST: Each production varies. Financial aid is available, you can also contact local BOCES for funding opportunities.
  • PAYMENT: A school purchase order or BOCES paperwork is required within one month of making any reservation. Final payment is due for all events one month before the performance date. 
  • RUNNING TIME: 45 minutes, which includes a post-show talkback. 

Please check with BOCES for funding opportunities. 
Some orders may be subject to a 10% deposit at the time of the request. 

In the event of school cancellation, you are required to send a notification to the Collaborative School of the Arts as early as possible (prior to 6 a.m.) for us to notify the actors who may be traveling. We will make every effort to reschedule your performance within the tour schedule. Also, theREP reserves the right to cancel a performance in the event of severe weather and dangerous travel conditions. The decision to cancel will be made as early as possible and will be communicated to the schools by the Collaborative School of the Arts. 

For more information, reservations, workshops, backstage tours and other special requests, please email us at onthego@capitalrep.org

Photo credit above: Shayne David Cameris (Headless Horseman/Brom Bones), Rachael Yoder (Witch/Katrina Van Tassel) and Justin Friello (Ichabod Crane).

Our On-The-Go! School Tour is sponsored by: