HSMTA Adjudication
The High School Musical Theatre Awards adjudication panel is comprised of qualified professionals in the Capital Region. Qualified adjudicators may not be affiliated in any capacity with a participating high school or be an employee of a participating school district.
Adjudicators must apply and be accepted to participate in the High School Musical Theatre Awards. Adjudicators are selected based on their qualifications and experience in musical theatre, directing, acting, vocal music, performing arts education and related fields.
High School Musical Theatre Awards adjudicator qualifications:
- A degree in a relevant field such as music, theatre, dance, etc.
- And/or extensive work experience in one of those disciplines on a professional or academic basis
- And/or are professional artists or educators with a wide knowledge of the American musical theatre canon
- And/or demonstrated experience in or knowledge of musical theatre
- Adjudicators will be given a stipend for their participation.
- Each will be trained in the adjudication process by Proctors staff.
- All candidates must possess the ability to effectively communicate in writing and evaluate production elements and student performance in a constructive manner.
- All candidates disclose any personal and professional connections to the area, students or schools to avoid any conflicts of interest.
- All adjudication is kept confidential.
- Adjudicators are expected to attend all shows assigned.
- Adjudicators will attend school performances to score award categories.
It is not mandatory to attend the HSMTA final performance, but adjudicators are strongly encouraged to attend and celebrate students’ achievements. All adjudicators are given complimentary tickets for the final ceremony.
Important date information is coming soon!
For more information about becoming an adjudicator or about the process, please contact the Collaborative School of the Arts at school@proctors.org.